1: 1. Planks - Strengthen core muscles. 2. Crunches - Target abdominal muscles.

2: 3. Russian twists - Tighten obliques. 4. Mountain climbers - Increase heart rate.

3: 5. Bicycle crunches - Engage lower abs. 6. Burpees - Burn calories and fat.

4: 7. Side planks - Work on obliques. 8. Jump squats - Boost metabolism.

5: 9. High knees - Increase calorie burn. 10. Leg raises - Sculpt lower abs.

6: 11. Superman - Strengthen lower back. 12. Bird dogs - Improve balance and stability.

7: 13. Russian twists - Tone obliques. 14. Side crunches - Target love handles.

8: 15. Running - Burn overall body fat. 16. Swimming - Engage full body muscles.

9: 17. Walking lunges - Tone legs and glutes. 18. Cycling - Improve cardiovascular health.