1: Title: Shrimp Fried Rice - A Delicious Recipe Learn how to make shrimp fried rice at home with this simple and tasty recipe.

2: Ingredients: Shrimp, rice, vegetables, eggs, soy sauce Gather all the ingredients needed to make a flavorful shrimp fried rice dish.

3: Cooking the Rice: Boil rice, let it cool Cook rice to perfection and let it cool before adding it to the rest of the ingredients.

4: Cooking the Shrimp: Stir-fry shrimp in a hot pan Prepare juicy shrimp by quickly stir-frying them in a hot pan for added flavor and texture.

5: Stir-frying: Mix rice, veggies, eggs, soy sauce Combine all ingredients in a pan and stir-fry them together to create a perfect blend of flavors.

6: Seasoning: Add salt, pepper, and any other desired spices Enhance the taste of your shrimp fried rice by seasoning it with salt, pepper, and other spices of your choice.

7: Garnish: Add green onions or sesame seeds for extra flavor Give your shrimp fried rice dish a finishing touch by garnishing it with fresh green onions or flavorful sesame seeds.

8: Serve: Scoop into bowls or serve in a platter Present your delicious shrimp fried rice in bowls or on a platter, ready to be enjoyed by all.

9: Enjoy: Savor the flavors of homemade shrimp fried rice Sit back, relax, and savor every bite of your homemade shrimp fried rice. Bon appétit!