1: Discover the top FiveMin Vietnamese street foods for a healthy diet.

2: Pho: A nutritious and flavorful noodle soup with herbs and broth.

3: Banh Mi: A delicious sandwich filled with veggies and protein.

4: Fresh Spring Rolls: Light and refreshing rice paper rolls with veggies and shrimp.

5: Bun cha: Grilled pork served with noodles and herbs for a balanced meal.

6: Goi Cuon: Tasty rice paper rolls filled with veggies and lean protein.

7: Com tam: Broken rice topped with grilled pork or shrimp for a satisfying meal.

8: Banh Xeo: Crispy and savory Vietnamese pancake filled with veggies and protein.

9: Try these FiveBest FiveMin Vietnamese street foods for a healthy and flavorful dining experience.