1: 1. Mediterranean Turkey Stir-Fry 2. Lean protein and veggies 3. Boosts digestion and flavor

2: 4. Mediterranean Veggie Stir-Fry 5. Fiber-rich and nutrient-packed 6. Enhances gut health

3: 7. Turkey Zucchini Stir-Fry 8. Low-calorie and satisfying 9. Supports digestion and weight loss

4: 10. Veggie Greek Stir-Fry 11. Fresh and delicious 12. Promotes gut health

5: 13. Turkey Spinach Stir-Fry 14. Iron-rich and energizing 15. Aids in digestion and immunity

6: 16. Roasted Mediterranean Veggies 17. Colorful and nutritious 18. Improves gut health and digestion

7: 19. Turkey Eggplant Stir-Fry 20. Antioxidant-packed and filling 21. Supports digestion and heart health

8: 22. Mediterranean Cauliflower Stir-Fry 23. Low-carb and satisfying 24. Boosts digestion and satiety

9: 25. Turkey Bell Pepper Stir-Fry 26. Vitamin C-rich and flavorful 27. Enhances digestion and metabolism