1: 1. Use egg cartons as seed starters. 2. Store small items like buttons or screws. 3. Make a DIY fire starter with wax and dryer lint.

2: 4. Create a unique wall art piece with egg cartons. 5. Use as a paint palette for kids' arts and crafts. 6. Organize jewelry or small trinkets in the carton compartments.

3: 7. Start a mini herb garden in egg cartons. 8. Cut out sections to make a handy desk organizer. 9. Create a DIY advent calendar with painted cartons.

4: 10. Store fragile Christmas ornaments safely. 11. Use as a makeshift ice cube tray. 12. Cut off lids to make individual cupcake holders for parties.

5: 13. Make a fun DIY scented wax melts with old egg cartons. 14. Store leftover paint for touch-ups in the future. 15. Use as a container for homemade bath bombs.

6: 16. Create a stylish pendant lampshade with egg cartons. 17. Organize craft supplies like beads or sequins. 18. Make a sensory play toy by filling the cartons with different textures.

7: 19. Use as a unique plant pot for succulents. 20. Make a DIY bird feeder with a carton and birdseed. 21. Cut out sections to make a custom-fit drawer organizer.

8: 22. Make a cute Easter bunny craft with painted cartons. 23. Create a DIY gift box with decorated egg cartons. 24. Use as a drawer divider for socks or accessories.

9: 25. Store loose change or keys in the carton compartments. 26. Cut out sections to make a custom makeup palette. 27. Organize office supplies like paper clips or rubber bands.