1: 1. Start a blog. 2. Become a freelancer. 3. Sell products online.

2: 4. Invest in stocks. 5. Offer consulting services. 6. Create and sell digital products.

3: 7. Rent out properties. 8. Participate in surveys and market research. 9. Become a social media influencer.

4: 10. Write and publish ebooks. 11. Teach online courses. 12. Start a dropshipping business.

5: 13. Provide virtual assistant services. 14. Invest in cryptocurrencies. 15. Monetize your YouTube channel.

6: 16. Rent out your car or parking space. 17. Offer graphic design services. 18. Become a virtual event planner.

7: 19. Create and sell handmade crafts. 20. Become a life coach. 21. Provide online tutoring services.

8: 22. Offer pet sitting or dog walking services. 23. Become a freelance photographer. 24. Start a podcast and monetize it.

9: 25. Write sponsored content. 26. Become a brand ambassador. 27. Monetize your Instagram account.